Posts About Immigration Reform & Policy

Latino Policy Forum Communications Manager

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin sat across the table from the young community organizer as she choked back tears and admitted that many DACA recipients like herself, who she works with in the south suburbs, are seeing their American dreams fade away.  

“We are tired and we are lost,” Elizabeth Cervantes, cofounder of Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project, told the senator from Illinois who authored the original DREAM Act. “So you’d think that after all we have experienced we can take any reality we are facing. And so I ask humbly, yet firmly for an honest analysis of what’s next this year... Continue Reading

Posted In: Immigration Reform & Policy

As the clock ticks down to permanently ending DACA, the hope that Congress and the White House will find a resolution before the March 5th deadline appears at a minimum, remote. Almost two week’s ago; a bipartisan immigration proposal raised the prospect of a workable legislative solution. Unfortunately, the President chose to reject it despite his claim not to do so. A few day’s later, it appeared another compromise had been reached by the Democrats to support a bill that would fund Trump’s border wall in exchange for protection of Dreamers. But, after some partisan wrangling, the Democrats led by Senator... Continue Reading

Posted In: Immigration Reform & Policy

Por Julián Lazalde, Civic Engagement Manager

La rescisión del Programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés) ha dejado en el aire la vida de casi 800,000 menores y jóvenes por todo el país, incluidos 42,376 beneficiarios en Illinois. El Latino Policy Forum está en completo desacuerdo con la decisión adoptada por la administración, y ni nuestros aliados ni nosotros mismos desistiremos en nuestro deseo colectivo de lograr políticas justas y humanitarias que impacten positivamente a la comunidad inmigrante y a sus aliados en Illinois y en el conjunto del país. Una vez la decisión acaba de adoptarse, entendemos la necesidad de información y recursos fiables que ayuden a aquéllos que se... Continue Reading

Posted In: Immigration Reform & Policy

By Julián Lazalde, Civic Engagement Manager

The rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has thrown the lives of nearly 800,000 youth and young adults nationwide, including 42,376 recipients in Illinois, into great uncertainty. The Latino Policy Forum completely disagrees with the administration’s decision, but we and our allies will not be deterred in our collective desire for just and humane policies that positively impact immigrant communities and allies in Illinois and across the country. In the immediate wake of this decision we recognize that what is needed most by those directly impacted is reliable information and resources that will assist them and their family members in making timely and informed decisions. 

Some immediate information to... Continue Reading

Posted In: Immigration Reform & Policy

CHICAGO, IL – El gobernador Rauner ha convertido en ley, con su firma, la Illinois Trust Act en una ceremonia que ha tenido lugar en La Villita. El Latino Policy Forum valora que el gobernador haya aprobado una normativa de esta importancia, y le felicita por ello. La legislación, que establece límites razonables y constitucionales a la colaboración entre la policía local y el Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés), entra en vigor con carácter inmediato.

La Illinois Trust Act impide a la policía local ejecutar órdenes federales de retención de inmigración que no hayan sido dictadas por un... Continue Reading

Posted In: Immigration Reform & Policy

By Manny Gonzales

Illinois Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti, the first Latina to occupy the office in the state and nation, made the proud declaration in defense of immigrants that “Illinois is a welcoming state para todos!”

Sanguinetti was just one of the esteemed elected leaders from Illinois participating in the 6th Annual Latino Unity Day on May 10 at the state capital. The Illinois Latino Agenda, a Forum initiative, hosted the recent rally of Latino organizations, which featured a luncheon with speeches by Sanguinetti, who touched on important issues involving education and immigration, and other legislators from the Illinois Latino Legislative Caucus.

Throughout the day, advocates promoted various pieces of... Continue Reading

Posted In: Families & Communities, Immigration Reform & Policy, Leadership

The Latino Policy Forum condemns President Trump’s attacks on vulnerable immigrant communities in Illinois and across the nation through his executive orders to extend the southern border wall, threats of funding cuts to cities and counties that grant sanctuary to undocumented immigrants and the ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries. Such shortsighted executive actions have already endangered people and needlessly ripped families apart.  

“While not unexpected, given the anti-immigrant rhetoric employed by the President during his campaign, this decision is still a devastating blow for the millions of immigrants and their loved ones,” said Sylvia Puente, Executive Director of the Forum. “We stand strong with our sisters and brothers in the immigrant and Muslim communities. The Forum is... Continue Reading

Posted In: Immigration Reform & Policy

The Forum advocated for Chicago’s “Welcoming Cities Ordinance,” intended to strengthen protections for undocumented immigrants from harassment by city employees, particularly police. The Forum will continue to work with all organizations interested in ensuring that immigrants in Illinois, regardless of their country of origin are recognized as valuable and contributing members of society with equal access to equity and prosperity.

In addition, Forum leaders were part of numerous discussions with lawmakers at the local and federal level to support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, including a recent meeting with U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, who has co-authored the BRIDGE Act, legislation intended to save DACA. The Forum asks Latinos in Illinois to contact... Continue Reading

Posted In: Immigration, Immigration Reform & Policy, Immigrant Integration

By Manuel Gonzales

We applaud Senator Dick Durbin for continuing to exercise his leadership on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The Latino Policy Forum has joined immigration reform advocates from across Illinois to stand in support of Senator Durbin and his efforts to save DACA from any efforts to rescind its protection of hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants from deportation.

DACA was enacted by executive order by President Obama in June 2012, which grants a temporary, but renewable reprieve from deportation, along with work a authorization permit and the possibility to travel internationally to young adult immigrants. Approximately 744,000 people have received DACA protection nationally - 40,000 in... Continue Reading

Posted In: Immigration Reform & Policy

By Diana Mendoza Scanlan

It’s been a bruising year for Latinos nationwide, following a contentious presidential election that saw immigrants cast as villains. The Forum has heard from many in the community who feel disenfranchised by the election’s results. In these trying times, now more than ever your support is critical to the sustainability of Latinos in Illinois and across the nation.

On this Giving Tuesday, DONATE to help the Forum continue its work convening local, state and national leaders to take proactive steps that move Latinos forward by focusing on the issues that matter: A better future in education, preserving immigrants’ rights, fair housing and strengthening... Continue Reading

Posted In: Parent Engagement, Housing, Families & Communities, Foreclosure, Affordable Housing, Immigration, Immigration Reform & Policy, Leadership, Strengthening Leadership
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